Camp - NLF
Committee Chair
PCC Larry Seger
The Committee
Paul Baustain
John Braisted
PDG Brad Keller
DG Delan Reed
Deb Reimers
Lori Rowley
Dee Sawyer

June 23 - 29, 2024
Registration opens in February!
Camp Floyd Rogers is an exciting overnight summer camp experience for youth living with diabetes. The camp is held at a beautiful camp site just outside of Cozad, NE. For one week each June, over one hundred youth aged eight to eighteen take up residence to make friends, enjoy summer activities, and learn more about diabetes. These children, whose disease often leaves them feeling isolated or different, enjoy a sense of community and inclusiveness at camp. It is truly a week that shapes a lifetime for so many children.
The Lions Foundation Committee is asking the Lions District Governors to contact each Lions Club President to spread the word to all the members of
the clubs how the committee wants to help diabetic children go to a diabetic camp. Any diabetic child that wants to and is able to go to a diabetic camp that a Nebraska Lions Club is sponsoring, the committee will help by matching funds of the clubs. The camp I know the most about is the Floyd Rogers Camp that is south of Cozad, Nebraska, but it can be another camp, even one in a neighboring state. We want children to have a chance
to go to camp. Floyd Rogers Camp starts registration on February 1st, 2023, and fills up very fast. They do take at least 100 children, ages 8 to 18.
Their camp this year is June 23-29, 2024. To register for Floyd Rogers Camp, go to www,
Any questions call:
Larry Seger